In the second installment of our Backcountry Bites video series presented by Bushwakka Adventure Gear, we catch up with our friend Amanda Zito. Amanda is an extremely experienced traveler, and during those countless miles, she’s developed her new cookbook, The Motorcycle Camp Cookbook. It’s full of recipes that are single-serving and only require a single-burner stove.
This video gives us a great preview of the book with this Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup recipe. Even though it’s simple and only requires a few ingredients, this meal would be a great dish to enjoy around the fire after a long day on the road less traveled. Plus, Amanda shares plenty of tips and tricks that she’s picked up during her travels.
If you want to learn more from Amanda and plenty of other great instructors, be sure to check out the classes and demos available at Overland Expo Mountain West, which will be held in Loveland, Colorado, from August 23 to 25, 2024.