Announcing Overland Tech & Travel, where you can ask you overlanding questions, and the top experts in the world will answer them, if your questions is chosen by our editor, Jonathan Hanson, founder and former editor of Overland Journal. Experts include Chris Scott, Lois Pryce, Austin Vince, Graham Jackson and Sarah Batten.
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Editors' Choice: Best Overland Navigation Tools
Posted by William Roberson
While many overlanding outings include a respite from all the tech in our world, it's still a smart idea to…
Industry Spotlight: FunTreks Guidebooks
Posted by Overland Expo Staff
The FunTreks off-road guidebook company has been a leader and a highly respected source of accurate trail information for over…
Backcountry Bites: Skillet Lasagna
Posted by Overland Expo Staff
Check out this super simple but incredibly delicious one skillet lasagna that you can customize and enjoy in camp.