Riding Solo: A 6,000-Mile Backcountry Motorcycle Adventure

Adventure motorcycle filmmaker, Sterling Noren, is known for his extensive video work with the Backcountry Discovery Routes, Globeriders, and more. This year, with the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing practices, he set out on a 6,000-mile solo motorcycle ride to create a very different sort of project.

“I wanted to create a series that captures the essence of adventure motorcycling on a solo experience. In particular, focusing on great riding, scenic locations, awesome campsites, and cooking a few good meals,” said Noren. His Riding Solo project wraps up today with the 23rd episode debuting on YouTube. 

Riding Solo is a video series about motorcycling alone in the American backcountry through Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. “A solo motorcycle ride is an incredible experience,” Noren said, “you get to ride all by yourself and see some amazing things. But it also opens up a space for self-reflection, which, if you allow this to happen is where the real magic is.”


The Riding Solo series was filmed during a 30-day ride in the summer of 2020. Each episode focuses on great motorcycling roads (both paved and dirt), camping, cooking and relaxing in scenic and remote locations. The purpose of the series is to show how easy it is to ride solo on a motorcycle adventure in the backcountry.

Photo Credit: Sterling Noren – Noren Films

Motorcycle Industry News by Eva Rupert. Follow Eva @augusteva.

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