Overland Expo is the best place to see all of the latest and greatest overland, adventure moto, and outdoor gear. Here you can talk to the vendors, check products out first hand, and chat with other enthusiast to catch up on buzz-worthy gear. And let’s not forget there’s often amazing deals to be had.

Redmond, Oregon. Photos by: John Allen

Redmond, Oregon. Photos by: John Allen

Redmond, Oregon. Photos by: John Allen

Redmond, Oregon. Photos by: John Allen
Everyone loves a good bargain, and Overland Expo is the place to find them. Many of our 250+ vendors will be offering exclusive bargains only available at the event.
Hot off the presses, we are releasing the list of exhibitors offering show special discounts at Overland Expo Mountain West in Loveland, Colorado August 26-28, 2022. Make sure you start your shopping with these vendors to save you money.
Here are the deals in alphabetical order by exhibitor:
Company name | Show Special |
REDARC | 10% off selected products all event attendees! |
BAKCOU | $600 off any bike + free Pannier Bags + free BAKCOU hat + Free Shipping. $400 off any scooter. |
Aeronaut Outdoor | Save $70 on premium down quilts during the show. |
TailGater Tire Table | Up to 20% off Tire Table and some accessories. |
Chill Monkee | Buy 2 Chill Monkee Lazy Loungers and get the 3rd free ($60 each). |
Guild Outfitters LLC | 50% of Guild Outfitters T-Shirts with email registration. |
Guild Outfitters | Be the first to pre-order our new Skid Plate Kit for 2016-2022 Tacoma Models. |
HEST | 20% off + free shipping on everything available! |
MB Quart | MB Quart is offering 30% off plus free shipping on all MB Quart audio products ordered at www.mbquart.com using coupon code overlandexpo2022 at checkout. |
Magnuson Superchargers | Magnuson Superchargers will be offering a 5% discount on supercharger systems along with free shipping and a limited edition Magnuson overlanding patch, only when purchased on location at the event. |
Lava Linens | 15% off all Lava Linens products plus two new, limited-edition Everything Towel colors! Stop by the check them out! |
Thunderbox USA | $20 off the Thunderbox Australian Outback Toilet for all show attendees. |
Check out our full list of sponsors and exhibitors here: Overland Expo Mountain West Sponsors and Exhibitors
We hope to see you in Loveland, Colorado, August 26-28, 2022.