What better way to celebrate the Dogs of Summer than with our favorite Adventure Dogs?
We put a call out to all Adventure Dogs and had a great turn out with over 175 entries. The winner of the contest and a free Weekend Pass with Camping ticket was Marc Johnson with over 250 votes. That’s one popular pup!

Celebrating the Dog Days of Summer with our friend Zion in our favorite FurRunner!
Five randomly selected winners received a Dog Gear Pack from the Overland Expo Gear Shop. If you weren’t one of the lucky winners the Dog Gear Packs are still available at the Overland Expo Gear Shop.
Dog is my Co-Pilot
Happiness is a choice. Of course, it helps when you’re rolling around in the dirt with this view.
Relaxing after a hard day of chasing sticks in the mountains.
Awesome view
Always Ride Ready
With so many great entries we couldn’t help ourselves, so here are some of our favorites!
View the entire gallery on the Dog Days of Summer page and remember to tag all of your overlanding photos on social media with #overlandexpo and #myoverlandexpo.
And for all you cool cats and kittens…