Industry Spotlight: OFFGRID Outdoor Gear by Raptor Series

Photo By: Raptor Series

When Raptor Series set out to develop the OFFGRID Outdoor Gear product line, their vision was to be able to provide a variety of premium quality overlanding products at a reasonable price so that more people might become interested in the lifestyle we all have come to love. Today that vision remains the same, and it’s being realized as they continue to expand on the OFFGRID Outdoor Gear product line. They know that when high-quality products become affordable, your adventures that have been on hold can easily turn into your next weekend’s plans. Raptor Series’ goal is to help you bridge that gap and get your journey started.

Image by Raptor Series

The most important thing to the Raptor Series team is that their customers are are properly equipped to have an enjoyable and stress-free time when they are out exploring the backcountry. OFFGRID Outdoor Gear products are designed with the consumer, in mind and every detail is carefully considered and tested to ensure that every customer has the best experience possible when they choose the brand.

Over the first few years of the OFFGRID Outdoor Gear brand rollout, the primary focus has been geared towards releasing the essential products that you would need to get started with overlanding. These releases have ranged from smaller items such as XL camping chairs or electric refrigerators, all of the way up to retractable awnings and rooftop tents. Let’s take a closer look at their most popular OFFGRID Product currently in the marketplace today, the Voyager Rooftop Tent.

Image by Raptor Series


There are few things more relaxing than jumping into your vehicle and getting away from the hustle of daily life. The new Voyager Rooftop Tent allows you to keep some of the creature comforts of your home, and it helps make your outdoor experience even more enjoyable. Its built-in awning creates a natural panoramic view, so you can enjoy all of your favorite camping spots from the comfort of your tent. The screened door rolls from the top down, allowing air to flow in while protecting you from the elements. This tent base was designed to easily mount up to your stock roof rack system, or on an aftermarket rack or crossbar system. Although it is the lightest manual rooftop tent in the market for its class, it is strongly recommended that you always check with the manufacturer of your vehicle and your roof rack system to determine the applicable weight limitations as they will vary for each vehicle.

  • Lightest manual roof top tent in the market
  • Comfortably sleeps 1-2 adults
  • Sets up and closes in seconds
  • Unique design eliminates need for additional setup
  • Aerodynamically engineered to withstand heavy winds and shed rainwater
  • Two hanging shoe and storage pockets that roll up and store with ease
  • Two built-in air vents with quick adjust control feature
  • Interior features a large living area, built-in pockets, and plenty of places to hang your gear
  • Door rolls from the top down, allowing airflow in while protecting you from the elements.
  • Built-in awning creates a natural panoramic view
  • Telescoping aluminum ladder

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