OCTOBER 3-5, 2025
FRI 9-5 | SAT 9-5 | SUN 9-3
Important Deadlines TO NOTE
Deadline to Submit Creative for Sourcebook Ads:
February 28, 2025 -
Deadline for Exhibitor Demo Applications:
August 15, 2025 -
Deadline for Exhibitor Rentals:
September 3, 2025 -
Deadline for Media Kit Submissions:
September 12, 2025
Last date to add extra Badges:
Coming Soon -
Deadline for Attendee Bag Inclusion Deliveries:
September 26, 2025 -
Deadline for Sampling Application:
September 3, 2025

Registered exhibitors are welcome to host a demo about your product or technology within your booth. It’s a great way to show off what you know and why customers should purchase your product. Product demos are held at your booth and are advertised in the Overland News’ printed schedule available at the show or using our online app.
Apply to give product demos – Demo Application Here
*Subject to approval*
Deadline: August 15, 2025
Deadline: September 26, 2025
This is the perfect opportunity for attendee exposure to your brand by placing something memorable in their hands. The ideal giveaway would be a small item or “trinket” with your logo/branding. We encourage this type of premium small swag item with logo/branding, and strongly discourage paper flyers/postcards for the attendee bag. If a paper item is chosen, we do ask that you use it to promote a discount at the event itself or an invite to pick up the giveaway item at your booth. Flyers must be produced on high quality paper or thick card stock.
Important Notes:
- No liquid, anything perishable, or large items like frisbees, etc.
- Must be an enrolled exhibitor or sponsor for the current show.
- All items being shipped for Attendee Swag Bags, must arrive by September 26, 2025.
Please ship all swag bag items to:
Overland Expo
c/o Nelson Storage LLC
Attn: Overland Expo / Insert Exhibitor Name & “SWAG BAG”
2731 Arrington Rd.
Arrington, VA 22922
Overland Expo is hosting a charity raffle to benefit the Overland Expo Foundation. All prizes will be raffled and awarded to attendees at the Overland Expo event.
Overland Expo Foundation Raffle
- Saturday – 7 pm @ the Oasis Bar & Food Court
- Fill Out This Form To Donate A Giveaway Item!
We will begin promoting the prizes and companies who donated via overlandexpo.com, social media, and our e-news in September! To be included in the advance promotion, let us know what you’d like to contribute.
Would you like your company included in our Digital Media Kit to get in front of attending media? Please fill out the form below:
This may promote your company’s activities at Overland Expo® or your newest products.
Deadline: September 12, 2025
Once again, we’ll have custom bags for our special camping attendees. There will be Overland Expo® patches on the front. We encourage you to have your own patches made (with the hook part) and give them away at your booth. This drives people around the exhibitor area to collect as many as they can! This is a great way to get your logo out to the community and to be a very interactive and important part of this event. Keep the patches no bigger than 2″ ideally (2.5″ max) please! We had good luck with Patches4Less.com. Bring these to the show to give out on your own for more interaction with your brand (we don’t recommend making these your attendee bag items).
Emerald X LLC maintains a strict policy on intellectual property rights and will take action on any intellectual property infringement. The term “Intellectual property” or “IP” is used to describe various types of intangible property, patents, registered trademarks & service marks, and registered copyrights. Use of any Lodestone intellectual property or creating, selling, or promotion of any likeness of Emerald’s intellectual property will carry severe consequences, which may include rejecting an exhibitor’s application to participate at Emerald X sponsored shows, closing an exhibitor’s booth, banning an exhibitor from future
Emerald-sponsored shows. It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure they are not in violation of this contract term. Examples of violations would include merchandise, apparel, patches, products and services provided, sold or promoted at any Emerald X LLC that carry the trademark of Overland Expo® or Outside Adventure Expo®; resemble the likeness or references to these events including but not limited to event location coordinates, Expo East, Expo West, Expo Mtn West, Expo PNW, Adventure Expo; resemble the likeness of Overland Expo’s signature compass or any Emerald’s event logo; or resemble the services or format of Overland Expo® or Outside Adventure Expo®.
Tell your fans and followers to come see you at the show!
- Email Us for a link to our digital media room with social media assets and promotional copy.
- Tag @overlandexpo and #overlandexpoeast on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
- Add the Official Overland Expo East 2025 Facebook event to your FB page. Once in the event, click the 3 dots next to the “share” button, and click “add to page.”
Shipping – Booth Materials/Supplies/Product
Exhibitors are entirely responsible for all of their inbound/outbound freight including but not limited to:
● Preparing items for shipment, sourcing pallets, wrapping, attaching a BOL.
● Arrangement of all inbound/outbound shipping services with a shipping provider (including the Monday post event).
● All product must be on your pallet and wrapped with the BOL attached prior to leaving the venue.
Please ship any booth materials/supplies/product directly to the event venue with your exhibiting company name & booth space clearly marked in the “ATTN:” line.
Shipment delivery of September 30, 2024 to Thursday October 3, 2024.
Oak Ridge Estate
ATTN: Overland Expo / Insert Your Exhibitor Name and Booth Number
1265-1187 Oak Ridge Road
Arrington, VA 22922
GPS Coordinates: 37.712942, -78.887844
Once onsite, please proceed to the Show Office and let management know you are ready for your shipments/deliveries. Payment will be required at this time. Once payment is confirmed, your shipments/deliveries will be sent to your booth.
$300 handling fee per crate/pallet will apply.
If you plan to offload your own freight, please notify show management or arrive with your freight.
Have a transporter full of camper trailers? We can help you offload these trailers for a $300 fee per load.
If you have outbound shipping, please pick up a Material Handling form from the Show Office. Please complete and return form promptly to the Show Office.
All exhibitors that complete a Material Handling form will have their preprepared shipments picked up from their booth for outbound shipment on Monday. Exhibitors must schedule pickup and place a BOL on their wrapped pallets for outbound shipping. If there is no BOL ready on the shipment, our team will NOT pick it up. Please guarantee the shipment is wrapped and ready before leaving the venue grounds.
Please note:
- We cannot print BOLs onsite
- We do NOT have any extra pallets onsite for outbound shipping
Sunday: 4PM – 6PM
Monday: 8AM – 5PM
Please plan accordingly!
For any shipment/pallet/crate left on the grounds at venue after the Monday, October 7th, there will be a $500 per day storage fee imposed.
Courtesy block details coming soon!
- Must camp within exhibitor booth footprint.
- Primitive camping, no hook ups
- Camping is only allowed upon approved exhibitor check in – Monday until 11am
- No open flames, propane only, must have an on/off switch
- Ideally no vehicle movement once placed in booth space
- Overland Centric vehicles only.
- No RVs, Toy Haulers etc…
- Must receive an Exhibitor In-Booth Camping hang tag for vehicle or trailer, if camping in exhibit vehicle. Please request at check-in.
- We highly recommend that if you are camping, please plan to stay within the show all weekend long.
- Quiet Hours: 10pm – 7am – strictly enforced
- There is no cost associated with camping within your booth space footprint
- Must register to camp via this LINK – $80 for Wednesday – Monday at 11am
- Primitive camping, no hook ups
- Camping Check In will be (no exceptions):
- Wednesday – Noon – 6pm
- Thursday – 8am – 6pm
- Campsite is per camping space not per person
- RVs are NOT allowed Exhibitor Camping
- If you have an RV, you will be requested to park in trailer parking
- No open flames, propane only, must have an on/off switch
- Quiet Hours: 10pm – 7am – strictly enforced
- Once a camping pass is purchased, there will be no refunds.
General liability insurance coverage is always required of each Overland Expo exhibitor, however, we know that securing these certificates of insurance (COI) can be a time-consuming after-thought and hassle. After much research and many requests from exhibitors for a better solution, we’ve secured a service with our preferred insurance provider to include an exhibitor COI with the purchase of any Overland Expo booth space or sponsorship moving forward. This convenience to the exhibitor will ensure that all exhibitor COIs meet insurance requirements and will eliminate the hassle to the exhibitor of securing a COI from
an outside provider. This also ensures that no additional certificates of insurance will be required to purchase by the exhibitor.
Once an exhibitor places a booth space order, we will secure the COI on the company’s behalf and will share that certificate with you for your files. You will receive an email (sent to the email used to register for booth space) from Rainprotection Insurance Co. with a copy of the COI for your records.
If you are planning to SELL RETAIL ITEMS directly to consumers, it is your responsibility to register and send all reporting information to the state of VA and Nelson County. Companies selling directly to consumers are required to obtain both licenses.
Please visit the Virginia Retail and Use Tax web page at this link https://www.tax.virginia.gov/retail-sales-and-use-tax and follow through with any requirements to register with the state of Virginia, and if necessary, collect and report the appropriate Sales Tax.
Apply before the event by calling (434)263-7070 or emailing [email protected] or [email protected] or completing THIS application and sending it along with payment to the address listed on the form.
If application is made prior to the event, proof of application/license will be required at Show Check-IN. (Proof of Business license may include: email of acceptance from Nelson County, Copy of Nelson County Business License, or copy of application)
Nelson County Business License Applications will also be accepted on site at the event. Fill out the form and apply at Exhibitor Check-In for $30.
If you are a Motor Vehicle, Motorcycle, Electric Bike Manufacturer or Overland Trailer Manufacturer not licensed by the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, you will need to agree that you are not licensed to actively sell products in the state. You will also need to agree that products displayed in your booth are for advertising features and benefits only and cannot contain pricing. Selling onsite could result in a fine from the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board which you (the Motor Vehicle, Motorcycle, Electric Bike Manufacturer or Overland Trailer Manufacturer exhibiting at the event) will be responsible for paying.
If you are a registered Motor Vehicle, Motorcycle, Electric Bike Dealer or Overland Trailer Dealer in the State of Virginia or a Licensed Manufacturer planning to use a Virginia Licensed Dealer, you agree to obtain an Temporary Supplemental License from the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, Form MVDB 22 A, found at www.dmv.virginia.gov (Event Specific) Please reach out to the state of Virginia for any further questions.
To order additional exhibitor badges, please do so through our portal below:
Deadline: Coming soon!
All tents must be secured – no exceptions. Weather is unpredictable and winds are often gusty.
Each venue includes asphalt, concrete, gravel and grass surfaces. Please contact your sales rep to find out which surface you are on and to make sure you bring supplies for securing your booth properly – staking is not always an option. Tent anchors must fit in designated booth space.
Large water containers make the best anchors for tents on asphalt and concrete.
All rules and regulations for sampling at Overland Expo can be found on the Sample Request Form below. Anyone wishing to sample at Overland Expo East must submit the form by September 3, 2025.
Your booth display must fit into your purchased space. This includes any weights that secure your tent down, display items, vehicles, and trailer (if applicable).
QUIET HOURS: Quiet hours start at 10 pm and are strictly enforced.
MUSIC: Very low volume music is acceptable, but do not disturb your neighboring exhibitors.
DISPLAY: Your display must be a family-friendly exhibit. Absolutely no profanity, no sexual content (including innuendo), no scantily clad “spokespersons” either in person or in pictures, and no copyright infringement upon the Overland Expo logo / brand is allowed.
GENERATORS: Exhibitor Generators are allowed as long as they are quiet. If your generator is loud, you will be asked to turn it off during show hours. If you are camping in your booth, your generator must be turned off by 10 p.m. If you are carrying extra fuel in your booth for the generator, you are also required to have a fire extinguisher.
- Wednesday, October 1, 2025, Noon to 6pm: No early arrivals will be allowed in until NOON, other than large semis. If you will be bringing a semi for your booth space or product, then please contact your sales representative before the event so they may expect your arrival. If you have a trailer that is part of your booth display, we highly encourage you to arrive and place the trailer in your booth space on Wednesday.
- Thursday, October 2, 2025, 8am to 6pm: Load-in will continue.
- SEMI RIGS need to arrive by 9am on Wednesday to get placed before we start load-in at noon.
- Moving in or setting up will not be allowed on Friday before gates open. All exhibitors must be moved in and set up by Thursday 6:00 p.m.
- Friday – 9am-5pm
- Saturday – 9am-5pm
- Sunday – 9am-3pm
Exhibitors are to be in their booths and ready to go before Event opens. We suggest that you arrive no later than 30 mins before Event opening to be prepared for the crowd.
- Display vehicles are vehicles that are part of a booth display, that fit into the booth dimensions and have been designated with a “Display Vehicle” hang tag.
- If the vehicle does not go into your display space, then it does not come into the show area. All other exhibitor vehicles must be parked in the designated exhibitor parking lot and are required to have a parking pass. If in need of a parking pass, please purchase one in the Show Office.
- Display Vehicles will be allowed to enter the show area for booth space placement from 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. on event days. No other vehicles are permitted to enter the show gate / area on event days other than the display vehicles with display vehicle hang tags.
- No vehicles will be permitted to enter the show area after 8 a.m. on any event day. There will be no exceptions. Any display vehicles arriving after 8 a.m. on an event day will only be permitted to park in the designated exhibitor parking lot.
- Display Vehicles are not permitted to leave the show area until an hour after the event has closed to the public due to safety purposes.
- It is highly encouraged to leave any Display Vehicle in your booth all weekend (instead of driving this vehicle back and forth into town/hotel) to avoid any issues with getting your Display Vehicle back in your booth space.
THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY FROM 5 – 7 PM: All nightly Happy Hour events will take place at the Oasis Bar & Food Court. Show your exhibitor badge to receive a free drink ticket to the bar. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic options are available.
Arrival documents will be available approximately 30 days out from the event. We will send them out to the main contact email that is registered within the exhibitor portal.
If you need to change your main contact in the system, please contact your sales representative to take care of that for you.
PRODUCT PICKUP: If you have sold an oversize item that your customer will need help bringing to their campground / car, then call this number and a member of our staff will be able to assist with a shuttle / cart.
AFTER-HOURS SECURITY: If you are in need of assistance from security after show hours (overnight), then call this number and our roaming security will immediately assist you on-site.
You must inform Show Management of any intent to host a gathering that includes the distribution of alcohol on venue premises and obtain a permit. Any serving of alcohol must be organized and managed through the event venue.
Due to liquor licenses and rules set by the Alcohol and Beverage Commission in each state, there are strict rules on distribution of alcohol. Any organized party not registered with Show Management and not complying with the rules will be considered illegal and dealt with by the County Sheriff and will be shut down immediately. There is no distribution of alcohol allowed on venue premises via any other channel other than the event venue’s alcohol provider.
For Set Up Before the Show:
- Please break down all the cardboard and leave it at the end of your aisle. The clean-up crew will come by and grab it prior to opening the next day.
- Any additional trash that is not cardboard can be placed in dumpsters and trash cans surrounding the event.
- Trash cans will be located at the end of aisles, so that no exhibitor has a trash can in their booth.
- If you would like an Overland Expo Foundation trash bag to keep in your booth, please inquire at the Show Office.
For Tear Down at the End of the Show:
- Please break down all the cardboard and place it in your booth space.
- Please do NOT leave behind concrete blocks, sandbags, wood chips or gravel. If you do not want to take them with you, please place them in a dumpster.
You will receive two (2) complimentary parking passes for vehicles that are not going into your display stand when you pick up your credentials at the Show Office. The vehicles remaining static in the display booth for the weekend will receive a separate “Display Vehicle” pass.
The complimentary exhibitor parking passes will allow two vehicles to enter the venue and park in the exhibitor lots. If you have more than two vehicles, we will be charging $20/additional vehicle to be able to park onsite (in the exhibitor lots only) for the entire weekend.
Exhibitors who attempt to leave early damage the show, create a dangerous environment for attendees, and harm attendance prospects for future shows. There are attendees that purchase Sunday passes, expecting to see a full show, and we must provide them with the same event and exhibitor experience.
Early departures will mean you will forfeit your space for future shows. Keep in mind, we are a sold out event, plus waitlisted 200+ exhibitors. If you personally are not attending the show, then please make sure your staff is aware of this. We will have staff on hand to record any early departures.
The Terms & Conditions and Exhibitor Space Agreement for Overland Expo East can be seen below:
We do not sell our Attendee Lists. If you receive any email offering our attendee lists, it is a scam. Reach out to your sales rep with any questions.
- General Questions about Overland Expo® – FAQs
- Questions about the East Venue – East FAQs
- Still have questions? Email [email protected]
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Photo by Brett Willhelm, Willhelmn Visual Works